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My Story

There is a book entitled" The road less traveled" and looking at my life this is the path I have, and am following. It's not the easiest of paths by far, but the rewards are immense! Looking back I wouldn't change it at all and I still have another 24 years to serve.

My Task for the past 21 years and for the next 24 years is the Wholistic Peace and Prosperity Network (WPPN). I was given this in 1992 in an epiphany one Saturday. It took 19 years of testing and proving to admit the second member!

Today we have 3 stable members and are seeking to increase membership this year (2013) to 100. When this goal is achieved our next goal is 1,000, then 10,000, 100,00 and so forth until it has spread around the world and is effectively adding to world Peace through it's members actions (WPPN Members are the cells of the body of the world). If the cells are healthy, the world must be healthy too!

We are effectively thinking global and acting locally (within ourselves). This is God's answer to creating world Peace -  make the people peaceful first.

And of course God understands thatPeace without Prosperity, Happiness and success is just an illusion! Which is why He has revealed a new replacement for the usurious and grieving capitalistic system - WPPN.


So there it is - very simple but not easy, as it goes against the ways of mankind (capitalism) but everytime i look at it I see new perfections within it, even after 21 years of constantly studying it.

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